What are Custom Tracking Parameters?
Custom tracking parameters help you measure performance on a more granular level, by segmenting traffic and creating breakdown in reporting by traffic type, device type, specific placements, or even on the click-level. Below are more details about each of the custom tracking parameters available.
Placement IDs
Utilizing Placement IDs is highly recommended to maximize publisher earnings. Our pricing system is dynamic, adjusting CPCs on a Placement ID level, so publishers can receive segment-based pricing. Using Placement IDs to segment your traffic will help you optimize performance because your higher quality traffic sources will be identified and paid higher rates, giving you insight into the sources you should scale up and the sources you should scale down. It ensures you are getting the highest possible payout for each traffic source, and not a blended rate that is typically brought down by the lower converting sources. Refer to our Placement ID Best Practices for a detailed guide.
You can view your traffic by Placement ID under View Reports. This parameter is restricted to 50 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers [a-z A-Z] and [0-9] and special characters (- . _ ) but will not work with special characters such as & / + "
Campaign IDs
Campaign IDs can be used to drill down into the different marketing campaigns operating within your account even further. For instance, building off the previous example above, Search Traffic, you may utilize a Campaign ID to denote which search channel you are running that placement on (e.g., Bing).
Leveraging this parameter is a great way to segment your reporting data to better understand which campaigns are working best. Please note that pricing systems do not adjust CPCs on the Campaign ID level. This parameter is restricted to 255 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers [a-z A-Z] and [0-9]) but will not work with special characters such as & / + "
https://go.shopyourlikes.com/pi/[APIKEY]?afId [AFID]&afCreativeId=2994&afPlacementId=search_123&afCampaignId=Bing
Redirect ID (RID)
The RID parameter is used for click level tracking. If you are looking for the most granular level of reporting, you can provide unique IDs with each link through the RID.
This parameter is restricted to 1020 alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers [a-z A-Z] and [0-9]) but will not work with special characters such as & / + "
Example of a complete link using all three recommended parameters:
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